Evolve Studio Menu
Yoga Therapy Consultation:
Initial 3 sessions recommended: Special price $160.00
First session $95.00 (75 minutes) includes take home program
30 minute follow ups $40.00 each
*Home visits starting from an extra $20.00
Yoga and Meditation Classes - (Note: 90 minute classes include Yoga Nidra):
One on One Yoga Class/Induction
$70: 60 minutes
$100: 90 minutes
Couple Yoga Class
$80: 60 minutes
$110: 90 minutes
Groups of 3 to 5
$90: 60 minutes
$120: 90 minutes
Groups 5 or more
$18 each for 60 minutes
$20 each for 90 minutes
External classes or by arrangement
$100: 60 minutes
$130: 90 minutes
For all Evolve Studio appointments bookings are essential. Please contact 0411 309 678.
Weekly Classes
Nitya is currently teaching group classes on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday mornings
Please contact me on 0411 309 678 for more information
Beginners Classes
Beginners class runs for an hour and a half and includes gentle asana’s with a focus on the joints and spine, creating freedom and flexibility and releasing tensions and blocked energy. The classes are suitable for complete beginners and those who may have done some Yoga before but feel they would benefit starting at the beginning and doing a gentler class until they gain more strength and flexibility.
The beginner class is the perfect way to start Yoga as it progressively takes you through in a systematic way from the beginning. This way you get to know your body on a deeper level, from your big toe to the top of your head. You also get to develop the experience of Yoga and grow with it.
The pranayama (breathing practise) are simple and slow to start with until you build confidence and your awareness of the breath develops which will the lead onto more advanced practises.
The first stages of relaxation and meditation will be explored as the body becomes more comfortable in sitting position. The class ends with twenty minute relaxation in shavasana (supine position).
It is recommended that you stay with a beginner class for at least one to two terms before going to the next level. This way your confidence builds and the body becomes stronger, more flexible and better aligned to go onto more advance practises. It is also perfectly okay to stay with beginner level if this suits your body.
Early Morning Classes
These classes have more emphasis on asana and pranayama. The classes run for an hour and a quarter and the main aim is to stretch and realign the body after waking, to energise the body ready for a day of work and to balance out the mind and create a clear perspective for the day ahead.
The practises will focus on the 5 main movements for the spine, balances and some vinnyasa (flow) sequences such as Salute to the Sun, as well as inversions and gentle balancing pranayama’s and a short meditation or relaxation practise to end.
This class is highly recommended for people with a busy work day or who just want to start their day on the right foot. There will be two classes a week on Wednesday and Friday. The more Yoga classes you attend the more benefits
Hatha Yoga & Meditation Class
These classes are suitable for students who have completed at least 2 terms of beginners class and would like to extend their practise and go deeper. The asana’s would include more vinyasa (flow) sequences and dynamic postures which may held longer and also would include balancing asana’s and introduction to inversions. The pranayama practises would be slightly more advanced than beginners, but would be guided to your level of ability. Meditation practises would have more emphasis with a short relaxation to end. The pre-requisite for this class would be some prior experience and understanding of yoga and a level of fitness and flexibility to feel comfortable going to the step. Saying this the classes won’t be too strong and as long as there is physical problems it would be suitable to a person of average fitness and capabilities.
Pre–Natal & Gentle Hatha Yoga Class
The Pre-Natal Class is specifically designed and tailored to help women through their pregnancy journey. She will gain skills to enable deeper relaxation and to be able to stay more centred and grounded. Removing stress and tension enables flow through this period of change in a women’s body. Gentle stretches, breathing and meditation will give you the foundations and empowerment to cope with the transition of changes in the body and help in the birthing process.
Private Yoga Therapy Consultation
(By appointment 1 hour x 3 recommended)
An hour session focussing on the individual’s needs. This would be suitable for anyone who is not comfortable attending a normal class. Perhaps because of a health issue or would just rather develop their own personal practise. In the first session an assessment form is filled out and consultation is given as to what are the specific needs. From this analysis a program will be developed to suit the specific needs of the individual based on presenting problems/challenges. This will be trailed for a week or two by the person at home and then followed up with another session where adaptation can be given. In the second session an Ayurvedic assessment will also be given, this will determine the constitution of the individual and help to look more into diet and lifestyle. The third session would be a follow up to ensure everything is flowing and again making any adjustments as necessary.
The emphasis on these individual sessions is to encourage regular practise at home, the more you do the yoga practises the more benefit you will get. Once confidence is built then it may be possible to integrate a class.
Specialised Classes (as required outside class times)
I am available for outside classes in the broader community the areas I specialise in are; Mental health, Weight Challenged, Physically challenged, Seniors, Schools, Drug and Alcohol, Corporate groups, Retreats, Resorts, Carers groups, Volunteer groups.
Hatha Yoga
Hatha Yoga translates as ‘Ha’ represents the sun and the pranic energy (vital force) and Tha represents the moon and the mental energy and Yoga means to yoke or union/join. Therefore Hatha Yoga is about bringing balance to the mental and physical aspect or ourselves. This is done using asana (postures), pranayama (breathing practises) and mudra’s (gestures) and bandha’s (energy locks), and shatkarma’s (cleansing practises)
‘The main objective of Hatha Yoga is to create an absolute balance of the interacting activities and processes of the physical body, mind and energy. When this balance is created, the impulses generated give a call of awakening to the central force (sushumna nadi) which is responsible for the evolution of human consciousness. If Hatha Yoga is not used for this purpose, its true objective is lost.’ Hatha Yoga Pradipika commentary by Muktibodhananda.
Asana (specific body postures)
Re aligning the body
Release tension from body
Energize the body
Revitalize the whole system
Bring a sense of balance to body and mind
Strengthening the body
Create more flexible
Ease in sitting pose
More awareness of physical body
The difference between asana and exercise
During exercise, the breath and metabolism speed up, oxygen consumption rises and the body gets hot
When Yoga asana is performed, respiration and metabolic rates slow down, the consumption of oxygen and body temperature drop
Asana energises the body, where exercise can deplete energy
Asana stretches, massages and stimulates the internal organs, body systems and energy channels
Asana’s are techniques, that place the physical body in positions to cultivate awareness, relaxation, concentration and meditation
Asana is complimentary to exercise
Asana when done regularly creates a greater awareness of the body and how it functions on all levels.
Preparation for asana:
Best two hours after eating
Yoga mat or thick blanket
Wear comfortable clothing
Remove jewellery and watches
Avoid wearing strong perfumes
Only go to your limit
Don’t over extend or force yourself into a posture that is not comfortable
Never strain your body, come out when you feel the need
Pranayama Prana defined as “vital energy” or “life force” Ayama is defined as extension or expansion. Therefore the literal meaning of Pranayama is extension or expansion of life force.
Focuses the mind
Brings stability, peace, vitality
Awakens awareness
Soothes activates and balances the nervous system
Prevents the build up of stress
Helps to balance the metabolism
Gradually awakens love, light and laughter
Prepares the mind settles the energy in the body for meditation
Increases and harmonises the vital energy
Reduce excessive thoughts
Helps to settle the physiological, mental and emotional responses
Calms the mind
Preparation for Pranayama:
Pranayama practise is mostly done after asana practise when the body is able to sit comfortably
Most pranayama practises are done through the nose, so clearing of nostrils is recommended
Most pranayama practises can be done sitting or lying
Spine needs to be upright and chest open
Ensure body is not to hot or too cold
Always start slowly and gently
Never force the breath
If feeling giddy cease the practise
Don’t over exert yourself, breath too deeply or strongly
Pranayama is a practise that takes time to master, always give yourself time
Let the teacher know if you don’t understand or need help to master technique
Meditation (“Meditation is communion with inner self. It is the means of expanding our consciousness, transcending the external being and becoming one with the infinite source of light and wisdom”)
Helps to lower blood pressure
Improves health and healing
Deepens concentration and insight
Helps to manifest change
Increases creativity and imagination
Improves vitality, relaxation and energy
Stimulates inner guidance and intuition
Helps inforce positive intentions
Ensure the body is in a comfortable seated position or on a chair with back upright
Find a quiet, clean, comfortable place
Not too hot too cold
Don’t meditate on a full stomach, allow at least 2 hours for food to digest before meditation practise
To prevent sleepiness have a shower before
Try to avoid fans or drafts while practising
Make sure you are feeling relaxed
Practice after asana and pranayama
Tensing and relaxing helps
Yoga Nidra (Yoga translates as Union or one pointed awareness and Nidra translates as Sleep. Yoga Nidra means sleep with awareness, the consciousness is functioning at a deeper level of awareness. A deep relaxation with inner awareness.)
Formulated by Swami Satyananda Yoga Nidra is based on the ancient tantric practises called “nyasa”. It is a systematic method of inducing complete physical, mental and emotional relaxation.
Rejuvenate whole physical and mental body
Equivalent to 2-3 hours sleep
Relieves stress
Restores equilibrium
Balances all body systems
‘Revitalises a tired body
Yoga Nidra goes through 8 main stages in a specific order to establish a deep state of relaxation. This instils total rest where the day to day stressors as well as older more deeply embedded mental and emotional tensions and traumas of the subconscious mind are released.
Yoga Nidra harmonises the two hemispheres of the brain, promoting balance in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system.